I began painting tiles in 1992 in Brussels with Inácio Matsinhe, a Mozambican artist.
At the time Inácio had an atelier near where I lived and I liked his ceramic pieces very much. Very African, anthropomorphic sculptures with a ceramic technique.
I went to see him and asked if I could work with him to learn his ceramic/sculpture craft.
He agreed, but at the time he was working on big tile murals painted with his theme subjects. The setting was not propitious to ceramics and everything led to painting on tiles. And so it was!
For ceramics Inácio would later introduced me to “Les Ateliers de la Rue Voot” where he sculpted his pieces.
Sometime after that, during a period in Lisbon, I painted many tiles in Isabel Garcia’s Artistic Ceramics. I presented them at an exhibition at the “Leopold Senghor Center” in Brussels.
I kept painting tiles and dishes with Inácio until he returned to Mozambique.
I would also return to Portugal, where some years later I worked with Teresa Cortez.
Unfortunately the quality of some old photos is not very good and some pieces bear the marks of accidents that happened throughout the years